Why is this important and worth the blog post? Well, at work I listen to my iPod (actually my wife's iPod-- mine always freezes up and-- nevermind, that's post for another day) and usually I listen to podcasts before music. Just thought it would be interesting to know what keeps me semi-sane or to know why I'm as crazy as I am. These should be in alphabetical order not in a favorite order. Here goes!
AROUND COMICS- THE COMIC BOOK CULTURE PODCAST... Usually this podcast is hosted/starring Chris Neseman, Brion "Sal" Salazar, and Tom Katers. These guys sit around in the middle of a comic shop every other Friday night, drinkin' beer, talkin' comics and just having fun until they get annoyed with each other. The guys are usually recording @ Dark Tower Comics and Collectibles, but sometimes they go to Challengers Comics (I think the guy that runs Challengers, Patrick, used to work at the comic shop I would go to all the time when I was in college. he always had cool vests). Did I mention that these stores are in Chicago? I like Chicago. The guys are are usually joined by other "guests." Thats in quotes because they all seem like just extras hosts. These guests include John Siuntres (host of another show on this list), Mike Norton (pro-comic artist and co-host of another podcast where he is crankier- thats a pun, nevermind), Tim Seely (another comic guy- creator of the Hack Slash comic), and Hank (I think he use to work at Dark Tower and now is a student at Columbia College Chicago-- my old school! how cool is that?). There other dudes popping up all the time, not to mention the actual guests the guys do interviews with comics legends like John Byrne, Erik Larsen, Denny O'Neil and more contemporary (not saying the former don't still crank out good stuff) creators like Tony Moore, Jason Aaron, Rick Remender, and Chris Neseman's love of all comics love Greg Rucka. I always look forward to this show because I feel like these guys have so much fun making it. Things are going to get interesting with Brion Salazar in semi-retirement (although he does do book club-style interviews with creators focusing on single stories/graphic novels in a side show called Around Comics presents) and Tom Katers moving to the Boston area. I'm sure the peanut gallery will be there for the assist, but like I said, it should be interesting. Thanks to this show I was properly introduced to Mr. Sal Abanatti, the man of a million off the wall stories (most notably a grantmorrisonshithimselfonaplanewhilewearinganallwhitesuit story and a glennfarbygotdrunkfellasleepoutsideatrianstationeverydayforaweekendandmissedanentirecomicconvention story, sorry tweeting habits die hard)
BEARCAST- CHICAGO BEARS PODCAST... Did I mention I like Chicago? Well, I was wrong... I love Chicago. This show, hosted by Sean Cassidy and Mr. Payne, has an iTunes description that simply reads "the voice of die-hard Bears fans." These guys discuss and pick apart the Bears on an almost regular basis. They are honest and often respectfully disagree. I feel like I am arguing with friends of mine that are Bears fans, only now that I typed that, I don't think I have any Bear fan-friends... Hmm. That's sad for me. Oh! I forgot to say those Around Comics guys recently had the Bears' Lance Briggs on the show just talking comics.
COLLECTED COMICS LIBRARY... Hosted by Chris Marshall, this is a simple guide to a comic book trade or original graphic novel. Chris is a normal guy, not some anal, nit-picky jerk who buys books just to hate them. The title of show says it all. Chris gives a brief bit of comic news and a shipping lists for the weeks collected comics. Worst thing about this show is that I always want some book I have never heard of before.
COMIC GEEK SPEAK PODCAST... I'm sorry, but there are like 50 guys that host this show and I don't know their names yet. I haven't been listening to this show that long and I usually just pick certain shows to download based on the topic. The shows are alway fun and funny. Apparently these guys, their show, and message board kind gave birth to several other comic book podcasts. They recently celebrated something like their One Zillionth Episode and considering they put out like 800 episodes a week, they will be at Ten Wakabillion in no time. Great show- they have I guy named "Pants" on the show, case closed (by the way, none of the numbers mentioned in this entry are accurate)
ESPN: PTI... I. Love. This. Show. This was one of my favorite shows on television- not just ESPN, but television. Now that I don't have ESPN, I get to listen to Wilbon and Kornheiser yell at each and me everyday. I don't get to see the stupid masks during the "role play" segment or Tony's wacky themed hats, but I get to listen. It still works, except when they are watching a clip of something. I wish Around the Horn had a podcast. Then no work would get done.
FANBOY RADIO... I used to stream and download this show before I knew what the heck a podcast was. I was loyal too. I would do this through a dial up connection. Hosted by Scott Hinze and Oliver (sorry, I don't think Oliver has a last name), these guys talk all things "fanboy" and that might be why I just pick and choose shows to download to my iPod. I'm not big fan of board games or listening to someone describe their video gaming or Doctor Who watching experience. Maybe I would like to hear about those things (except board games- that just doesn't work) from someone else, but Scott gets waaayy into it and starts shouting at me. His voice is not made for shouting and it makes me made having him shout at me, unlike PTI. I love their comics and movie talk though.
iFANBOY Family. Oookay. There are 3 shows (actually 4, but read on down the list, its different) here: iFanboy, iFanboy Video Show, and Talkspode: Don't Miss. All of these shows are almost exculsively about comic books. iFanboy show is a Pick of the Week show, where one of the hosts- Ron, Conor, or Josh (they do have last names and I know them, I just don't want to type them right now*) pick his favorite comic of the week and talks about it. The guys go through other books that came out. The picker of the week also writes a short essay at ifanboy.com about the pick. I like that each guy has a personality and an almost political "party line" (as Ron recently put it in a video show) and sometimes I fit find that I am exactly that person or the exact opposite. Ron's the X-Men and general Marvel guy, Conor is the Batman, general DC, and sometimes Archie guy(?!), and Josh is the guy that still cannot bring himself to call Clint Barton "Ronin" instead of "Hawkeye." The iFanboy Video show is pretty random, but is always entertaining. The "Don't Miss" show is a very short interview where one of the guys talks to a comic creator about a book coming out that week. These guys stay busy. No wonder they are out of their minds. "Archie?" (*Ron Richards, Conor Kilpatrick, Josh Flanagan).
THE LEAGUE OF NOBODIES.... A short lived bookclub style show, where a collected comic book is discussed. The show was hosted by artist Skottie Young, Brion "Sal" Salazar, and comic message board superstar: Braxton Harrison and Matthew Burden. It was fun while it lasted.
MARVEL NOISE... Hosted by David A Price and featuring contrabutions from the man loved by almost every comics creator Pat Loika, Marvel historian Steve Raker, and who the hell knows who else. David starts and ends the show and the other fellows bring in all kinds Marvel news and discussion. Never the same show twice.
MARVEL PODCASTS... Featuring creators of Marvel's upcoming events and special issues. Mainly this is an ad for Marvel Comics. Nothing wrong with that.
MSNBC Shows... Countdown with Keith Olbermann, the Rachel Maddow Show, and Hardball with Chris Matthews Snippets. Sometimes the wife gets sick of me watching hours and hours of left-wing liberal hoggin up the TV.
MURMUR.COM PODCAST.... This is a podcast from a website from the guys that do the iFanboy podcasts. The mission statement is simple everything, but comics. Movies, TV, gadgets, books containing more words that pictures, music, baking, etc.
NPR: WAIT WAIT... DON'T TELL ME! PODCAST... Did you know there are still game shows? This show is fun. There is usually a panel of funny smartish people and comedians and a caller. The thing that makes this show funny, is that it is based on true stories. And because there are so many idiotic news stories in the world, the jokes write themselves. Did I mention I love Chicago?
PIPELINE COMIC BOOK PODCAST.... Augie De Blieck Jr is a contributor and editor on the comic book website ComicBookResources.com or CBR.CC for short and was named the biggest comic letterring nerd by Brian Michael Bendis. Augie does a simple top ten each week based on what comic books are scheduled to come out. But with Augie you never really know what he is going to pick, but you usually can usually bet there will be there will be some European comic collection that sound like the most beautiful man-made accomplishment after he describes the hell out of. So what if he's late usually? He usually rewards you with the sound of sirens in the background of the recording.
REAL TIME WITH BILL MAHER... More waky Liberal "news" except this is from an HBO show, so Bill can use the correct words with commenting on Sarah, Rush, Bill, and Sean.
THIS AMERICAN LIFE... This is one of the newest additions to my podcasting family. This show is incredibly well done. Whoever is responsible for this deserves the Noble Prize. The stories are so easy to relate to and you feel the people. So far, I've listened to stories about the top party school in America, a kid that gets to take over a class nearly everyday, a run down house, stupid traditions, and a guy who tries too hard to hate people, so much so I feel bad about hating most people. I wish I would have gotten into this sooner. Even the stories I could care less about, prediction economic trends, are so engaging. I think there is cocaine on this podcast.
TOM VS. THE FLASH (formerly TOM VS. THE JLA)... Tom Katers from Around Comics has this side gig. It is a solo show where Tom tells the listener a story about the DC Comics "silver age." These comics themselves would be outright ridiculous if you tried to read them on straight on, but more like wanting to shoot yourself in the face with multiple six-shooters the size of your iPod's earbuds. Tom retells the stories as he looks through and reads the books, adding just enough. Recently in story where everyone in the Flash's town of Central City is falling head over heels for some new guy in town called the Ringmaster, they begin to critize the Flash, causing him to think to himself why he is good hero. Tom lets us know that the Flash "has his game tight." Tom also recently mentioned that he is leaving Chicago and will be unemployed. Well, it doesn't sound so depressing when he says it. He says his wife has a good job lined so he will now be able to answer listen email so fast it will scare you. How appropriate (I do not know how that is appropriate and when Tom said it, he didn't sound like a bum. the man needs a break, he's an accountant)
THE TONY KORNHEISER SHOW... When I found out that PTI's Tony Kornheiser had a Washington DC based radio talk show, I figured it would be a sports show. I was for the most part incorrect. Tony does talk big sport news and local team stories, but I think he perfers talking about the about the strange attraction he had for Kate (the lady with fifty trillion kids), how Jos A Banks stays in business, how to use his new Google Phone, or the animal revolution. The more I think of it, do not listen to the show if you hate sports. He does mention sports just not quite so conventionally. I mean, through this show I found out about Gil Arenas pooping in someone's shoe and I got the most extensive coverage of the who else has done Tiger. This is a comedy show all the way the the mailbag segment, please understand this. And I need to laugh.
THE BEST SHOW ON WFMU WITH TOM SCHARPLING... The reason I even know this show exists is because of comics writer and serial tweeter Matt Fraction. Fraction is weird awesomeness cubed, so when he gets excited everyweek about this show coming on, I knew he would wear me down to try it out. When I did try it out, my reaction was first "How many opening theme songs does this show have?" Followed by several "WTF?s" that last for nearly 3 hours. I do not know how to describe this show. I just know I like it now... usually.
WORD BALLOON... I don't care if I mentioned it now... I love Chicago. I think this was the very first true podcast I listened to and it led me to Around Comics and then iFanboy and 11 O'Clock Comics then Marvel Noise. So its John Siuntres' fault. Thanks John. This show is a basic interveiw show. John talks to well know comic creators to less know personalities that tangentally are comics related. John Siuntres is a radio guy and you can tell by his voice. He hooked me for good when he started having 15 hour long Q & A sessions with Brian Michael Bendis and he and Matt Fraction had an interveiw where Fraction slipped into a drunk Orson Wells impression. This show also introduced me to the wonderful world of instocktrades.com. Damn you John.
11 O'CLOCK COMICS PODCAST (formerly BULLPEN BULLETINS)... Not really hosted by, more like starring Vince B, Chris Neseman (of Around Comics), David A Price (of Marvel Noise), and Jason Wood (affectionally known as Wooood). Pardon my French, but this show is a shit-storm of craziness. Often referred to by other podcasts as a show so good that you want to shake your fist at your iPod. Bat-shit crazy. The guys talk about comics and comics and comics and drinks. Beginning as a Marvel Comics- centric show called Bullpen Bulletins (after the newsletter-like page that used to appear in Marvel Comics) Vince and David talked Marvel past and [then] present. Along the way, Vince B would have ridonkulous sound art and music playing in between segments and sometimes over the conversations. Eventually Vince grew tired of only talking Marvel and on episode 33, the guys called it a wrap. During that show a very very drunk Chris Neseman pleading with the guys to keep going. David started Marvel Noise and almost a year later 11 O'Clock Comics was born. Vince B is the crazy comics lover of all kinds and finds the artist merit in almost everything, whether he hates it or not; Chris is usally pretty hammered and likes to bitch about the price of Marvel Comics and hates on stuff just to get listeners to react I think; David gives the short snappy one liners and breaks out the trivia knowledge; and Wood is the coolest WuTang quotin, Deadpool lovin, stock broker in the world. Along with 4 drunk grown kids, there are voicemail messages sprinkled throughout the show- included the forementioned Braxton, Matthew, Darrell (who used to be on the iFanboy voicemails all the time when they checked them regularly and almost always ends his call saying "Fuckit!"), some dude that called using his one phone call in jail to bitch about being arrested (on a later show he called saying he was out). This might be my favorite show. When first downloaded it remember thinking "this is the the most random pile of ..." It works though.
So there you go. If you survived that, you must be goofing off or putting off something and if you look at the clock, its probably waaaay later than you think it is. I hope you all enjoyed. I promise I won't post anything this long again, unless I lied.
TOM VS. THE FLASH (formerly TOM VS. THE JLA)... Tom Katers from Around Comics has this side gig. It is a solo show where Tom tells the listener a story about the DC Comics "silver age." These comics themselves would be outright ridiculous if you tried to read them on straight on, but more like wanting to shoot yourself in the face with multiple six-shooters the size of your iPod's earbuds. Tom retells the stories as he looks through and reads the books, adding just enough. Recently in story where everyone in the Flash's town of Central City is falling head over heels for some new guy in town called the Ringmaster, they begin to critize the Flash, causing him to think to himself why he is good hero. Tom lets us know that the Flash "has his game tight." Tom also recently mentioned that he is leaving Chicago and will be unemployed. Well, it doesn't sound so depressing when he says it. He says his wife has a good job lined so he will now be able to answer listen email so fast it will scare you. How appropriate (I do not know how that is appropriate and when Tom said it, he didn't sound like a bum. the man needs a break, he's an accountant)
THE TONY KORNHEISER SHOW... When I found out that PTI's Tony Kornheiser had a Washington DC based radio talk show, I figured it would be a sports show. I was for the most part incorrect. Tony does talk big sport news and local team stories, but I think he perfers talking about the about the strange attraction he had for Kate (the lady with fifty trillion kids), how Jos A Banks stays in business, how to use his new Google Phone, or the animal revolution. The more I think of it, do not listen to the show if you hate sports. He does mention sports just not quite so conventionally. I mean, through this show I found out about Gil Arenas pooping in someone's shoe and I got the most extensive coverage of the who else has done Tiger. This is a comedy show all the way the the mailbag segment, please understand this. And I need to laugh.
THE BEST SHOW ON WFMU WITH TOM SCHARPLING... The reason I even know this show exists is because of comics writer and serial tweeter Matt Fraction. Fraction is weird awesomeness cubed, so when he gets excited everyweek about this show coming on, I knew he would wear me down to try it out. When I did try it out, my reaction was first "How many opening theme songs does this show have?" Followed by several "WTF?s" that last for nearly 3 hours. I do not know how to describe this show. I just know I like it now... usually.
WORD BALLOON... I don't care if I mentioned it now... I love Chicago. I think this was the very first true podcast I listened to and it led me to Around Comics and then iFanboy and 11 O'Clock Comics then Marvel Noise. So its John Siuntres' fault. Thanks John. This show is a basic interveiw show. John talks to well know comic creators to less know personalities that tangentally are comics related. John Siuntres is a radio guy and you can tell by his voice. He hooked me for good when he started having 15 hour long Q & A sessions with Brian Michael Bendis and he and Matt Fraction had an interveiw where Fraction slipped into a drunk Orson Wells impression. This show also introduced me to the wonderful world of instocktrades.com. Damn you John.
11 O'CLOCK COMICS PODCAST (formerly BULLPEN BULLETINS)... Not really hosted by, more like starring Vince B, Chris Neseman (of Around Comics), David A Price (of Marvel Noise), and Jason Wood (affectionally known as Wooood). Pardon my French, but this show is a shit-storm of craziness. Often referred to by other podcasts as a show so good that you want to shake your fist at your iPod. Bat-shit crazy. The guys talk about comics and comics and comics and drinks. Beginning as a Marvel Comics- centric show called Bullpen Bulletins (after the newsletter-like page that used to appear in Marvel Comics) Vince and David talked Marvel past and [then] present. Along the way, Vince B would have ridonkulous sound art and music playing in between segments and sometimes over the conversations. Eventually Vince grew tired of only talking Marvel and on episode 33, the guys called it a wrap. During that show a very very drunk Chris Neseman pleading with the guys to keep going. David started Marvel Noise and almost a year later 11 O'Clock Comics was born. Vince B is the crazy comics lover of all kinds and finds the artist merit in almost everything, whether he hates it or not; Chris is usally pretty hammered and likes to bitch about the price of Marvel Comics and hates on stuff just to get listeners to react I think; David gives the short snappy one liners and breaks out the trivia knowledge; and Wood is the coolest WuTang quotin, Deadpool lovin, stock broker in the world. Along with 4 drunk grown kids, there are voicemail messages sprinkled throughout the show- included the forementioned Braxton, Matthew, Darrell (who used to be on the iFanboy voicemails all the time when they checked them regularly and almost always ends his call saying "Fuckit!"), some dude that called using his one phone call in jail to bitch about being arrested (on a later show he called saying he was out). This might be my favorite show. When first downloaded it remember thinking "this is the the most random pile of ..." It works though.
So there you go. If you survived that, you must be goofing off or putting off something and if you look at the clock, its probably waaaay later than you think it is. I hope you all enjoyed. I promise I won't post anything this long again, unless I lied.
This is the most awesome post ever (except for the post where you talk about how excited you are to see me)!
These wacky things that you do drive me crazy, but they also are a big part of why I was drawn to you in the first place.
Love Ya!
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